Today I officially joined the GIRAF project. GIRAF is a Giraf is a tablet environment aimed at autistic children with little or no verbal communication. It can be used for daily schedules, games and education.

My role will be as part-researcher and part SCRUM-style product owner in the sense that I will be managing connections with stakeholders in the project (institutions that teach children with autism) and the student projects that run every semester. The project is Open Source - more documentation can be found here..

The GIRAF system showing a PECS system running GIRAF

The way that GIRAF is developed, is that 8-10 student groups at computer science AAU run a semester-long SCRUM project that develops different parts of the environment. The project has been running for a long time, but is now coming into its own - in the future I plan to try to run GIRAF in closer collaboration also with the stakeholders as well as maybe students at interaction design.

Think I do cool stuff? why not shoot over and ask me to collaborate